Monday, January 17, 2011

Jeremiah 17:9

Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it ? The next verse starts out by answering the question. 'I the Lord ....'.

Sometimes we can actually deceive ourselves into thinking something is right when it is not . Sometimes it may not be the actual ' act' , but the ' motive ' behind it. That is why it is so important to pray this prayer from the 139 Psalm. Only God can give us an honest assessment of our ' motives behind our actions.

Heb. 4 : 12-13 tells us that the Word is' a discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart' and that ' all things are naked and opened to the eyes of the one we must give account to. If we are truly serious about worshiping and serving in ' spirit and in truth' we must continue to go to God with this prayer from Psalm 139.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Recognizing A True Church

..."Matthew 25:44 asks, Where is Christ? How we can recognize the true church and, by extension, the followers of Christ?
"....In the true church, the first impulse of leadership is to serve, never to diminish. In the true church, the focus is on serving the Other -- the excluded, the isolated, the disenfranchised. In the true church, children are safe, people in jail are visited and elders are not forgotten and hungry people get fed -- no strings attached. In the true church, labels can be left at the door because the only label that matters is "loved." The true church is devoted to ecumenism and not afraid of the existence of different opinions about the many and varied expressions of faith. The true church serves a God of many names who is big enough to love everyone. The true church is not in the business of policing the moral lives of its members.

The true church doesn't take the Bible "literally" or insist on its infallibility. The true church understands that the Bible is a witness first and foremost to the love of God that is beyond human comprehension. The true church is constantly evolving through the revelation of the Spirit in the lives of its people.

If you are looking for the true church, look for one that is extravagant in its welcome to all people. Look for a church that is out of step with a homophobic, sexist, racist culture where everyone looks and sounds alike. There you will find Christ." by Rev. Dr.Cindi Love, SoulforceLove